Fires and Forgiveness

Fires and Forgiveness

Mother Earth has had plenty of challenges these past few weeks. With the flooding of Houston, the fires raging in the Northwest, and now an impending hurricane in Florida, there’s been a lot of stress. It’s in these challenging times that we look beyond our political...
6 Tips on Traveling with Teens

6 Tips on Traveling with Teens

My husband was on sabbatical last summer, so to take advantage of his extra time, he acquiesced to my calling I’ve had for the past couple of years to go to Ireland. My son wanted to go to London as he says “All the good writers and tv shows come from...
What does empowerment mean?

Summer Camp for Teens (8th-10th graders)

I finally made a Youtube video (my first one!). If your daughter has not attended my camp before I wanted them to be able to see what I am like. I am a gentle person and not intimidating :). If you live in the Portland Metro Area (Oregon), check out my summer camp!...